Privacy Policy

These privacy and policy govern your use of our website and services. By accessing or using our website, you agree to be bound by these terms. Please read them carefully.
Last Updated: 19 April, 2024


At Flour Masters Bakery, we understand that you care about your privacy, and so do we. Please readthrough this privacy policy carefully as we have developed this to describe the types of personalinformation we may collect, how we may use it, how we may share that information, and how weprotect it. Furthermore, this policy explains your rights under data protection regulations. We arededicated to handling your personal information to the highest levels of security in compliance withlegal requirements. We do not sell your personal information to advertisers or spammers. By accessingand/or using our mobile applications, platforms, and/or websites, you agree to the terms of this privacypolicy. If you do not agree with this policy, kindly do not use the website or platforms.

What information do we collect?

Until and unless specified and agreed with you, Flour Masters Bakery will only collect the basic, personalinformation required in connection with our business relationship. While doing business with you, wemight also connect business-related data such as information on purchases, services, product feedback,other business activities, and any other information you provide to us. “Personal Information” is anyinformation that relates to you and could be reasonably used to identify you.

Information you provide and information we collect from other sources

You can choose to submit your personal information and other information by interacting or purchasingwith our platforms. This can happen when you create and manage a user account, communicate byemail, participate in surveys, submit job applications, or communicate by telephone.

Web Analytics and Interest-Based Advertising

If you use our website or platforms, please note that these use analytical tools and cookies. We may useweb analytics services on our platforms, such as Google Analytics. The service providers that administerthese services make use of technologies such as cookies. This helps us analyse how visitors use our site.The information collected through these means (including IP address) is disclosed to or collected directlyby these service providers. They use the information to evaluate your usage of the website or to provideinterest-based advertising to you.

How we may share information

We may share your personal information with any member of Flour Masters Bakery, includingsubsidiaries, affiliates and holding companies, to enable you to request our services, understand yourpreferences and process your payments. It is also used to share information about products and servicesthat might interest you or you might have expressed interest in, further conducting the other activitiesdescribed in this policy. We may share information about you:

  • To our third-party service providers to assist us with the provision of services to you or toperform services on our behalf
  • In response to requests by government agencies, such as law enforcement authorities, to complywith law or legal process or with any court order.
  • To protect legitimate business interests
  • In any other case with your consent

We might also instruct service providers based domestically or internationally to process your personaldata on our behalf in accordance with our instructions. We will retain control over your personal dataand take responsibility when engaging service providers. Your personal data might be shared with othercompanies and organizations for the purpose of credit risk reduction or purposes of fraud protection, ifwe believe that disclosure is necessary or appropriate for the protection of rights, property, or safety ofthe company, customers, or others. Your data might be shared with third parties if we buy or sell anybusiness or assets. If a third party acquires the company or all of its assets, personal data held by FlourMasters Bakery about its customers will be one of the transferred assets. If this is not the case, no thirdparties will be provided access to your personal data unless there is a legal obligation or you give us yourexplicit permission to do so.

How do we protect personal information?

We take all possible steps that are reasonably necessary to ensure that your personal information iskept secure and in accordance with this privacy policy and the applicable data protection laws. It isimportant to note that the transmission of information via the internet is not entirely secure. We do ourbest to protect your personal information and don’t retain it for longer than necessary. We are also Page 4 of 6required to keep certain personal data, such as that relating to business transactions for certain periodsunder applicable law. We will delete your personal data when it is no longer required for thesepurposes.


The information that you provide may be confidential. We will maintain such confidentiality and protectyour information as per the privacy policy, our professional obligations, and applicable law. We mayshare your information with our service providers for the purposes set out in this privacy policy or asrequired by law.

Your Rights

You hold the right to request a copy of the personal information we maintain about you, update orcorrect any incorrect information, or request that we remove it from our systems and stop contactingyou at any time. We will make every readable effort to honor your request in line with applicable laws. But we may not be able to always fully address your request, such as in the event that we requireadditional time due to the complexity of the request. In this case, we shall inform you as soon as possible.

In certain situations, you have the right to object to how we use your Personal Information, limit ourusage of it, and even have it transferred to you or a third party in an electronic form. If we process yourpersonal information based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time.

If you request us to restrict our usage of your personal information, we may still continue to use it undercertain circumstances, such as if it is necessary for us to do so.

To make a request regarding your personal data, such as to object or restrict its usage, please send us adescription of the data in question along with proof of your identity, including your name, emailaddress, account details, and customer number by following the instructions in “How to contact us.” Wemay require further verification to protect your personal data from unauthorized access.

If you have any concerns about how we handle your personal information or would like to file acomplaint, you can reach us by following the instructions in “How to contact us” (Section IX). If you arenot satisfied with our response or believe that we are not processing your data in accordance with thelaw, you can file a complaint with the data protection authority in the UAE.

Changes to this Policy

Occasionally, we may need to modify or revise this Privacy Policy to meet data protection regulations.It’s a good idea to check back periodically, as any updates to the Privacy Policy will become effectiveonce they are posted on our website. Please make sure to check back frequently to stay informed of anychanges.